Description et objectifs d’apprentissage

Ce webinaire n’est offert qu’en Français. This webinar is only offered in French.

Ce webinaire vise à définir les concepts de handicap et de réadaptation dans une perspective biopsychosociale. Le professeur Côté discutera du rôle des chiropraticiens au sein des équipes multidisciplinaires de réadaptation et démontrera comment leurs compétences peuvent contribuer à réduire le fardeau de l'incapacité musculo-squelettique.

Au terme de ce webinaire, les participants pourront : 

  • définir les concepts de handicap et de réadaptation selon une perspective biopsychosociale ;
  • décrire les interventions de réadaptation fondées sur des données probantes qui peuvent être offertes par les chiropraticiens; et 
  • comprendre le rôle des chiropraticiens dans les équipes multidisciplinaires de réadaptation.

Programme du cours

    1. Renseignements utiles (En prendre connaissance avant de regarder la vidéo!)

    1. Enregistrement

    1. Sondage

À propos de ce cours

  • Free
  • 1 hour of video content


Dr. Marc-André Blanchette, DC, PhD, Epidemiologist

Marc-André Blanchette DC, PhD Assistant professor at University of Quebec à Trois Rivières (UQTR). He is a musculoskeletal epidemiologist who has developed an interest for secondary data analysis of clinically administrative data during his PhD in public health (epidemiology specialty). His thesis used clinically administrative data from Workplace Safety and Insurance Board to study the first line of care of workers with occupational back pain. During this postdoctoral training, he joined the first cohort of CIHR Health System Impact Fellow had an embedded researcher experience at the “Institut national d’excellence en santé et services sociaux (INESSS)”. He is interested in data-driven approaches that can be used to analyze patients’ care quality and trajectory.

Dr. Pierre Côté, DC, Epidemiologist

Professor Côté is an epidemiologist and a chiropractor. He holds the Canada Research Chair in Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation and he is a Professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology. He is also the Director of the Institute for Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation at Ontario Tech University and a Professor of Epidemiology at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto. Throughout his career, Dr. Côté has contributed to several evidence-based policy initiatives. In 2010, he reviewed and proposed modifications to the definition of catastrophic impairment related to traffic collision for the Financial Services Commission of Ontario, Canada. More recently, he was mandated by the Government of Ontario to lead the OPTIMa Collaboration and develop evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines for the management of traffic injuries. In 2018, he was elected to the Board of Directors of the Global Rehabilitation Alliance, an international organization dedicated to evidence informed advocacy for those in need of rehabilitation. From 2019-2021, he led several systematic reviews of the literature to inform the development of evidence-informed regulatory policies by the College of Chiropractors of British Columbia. Côté is actively involved with various projects with the World Health Organization (WHO). In particular, in 2020, he was responsible for writing the daily WHO COVID-19 Research Digest and he is a member of the WHO Development Group for programs of rehabilitation for low back pain. Finally, Côté is the Chair of the Methodological Working group for Cochrane Rehabilitation and the Co-Chair of the Eurospine Diploma in Interdisciplinary Spine Care (EDISC), a program to standardize evidence-based spine care in Europe. His current research focuses on the etiology of disability and the rehabilitation of musculoskeletal pain and mental health. Professor Côté has published more than 300 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals. His current Scopus h-index is 59 and his Google Scholar h-index is 74.